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Revision as of 21:42, 11 November 2023 by Cerlix (talk | contribs)
Self Insert
"People can really believe anything these days!" - Ismism

This page is meant to represent Besteybeetophile's political views. Please do not make any major edits without their permission.

He is sympathetic to original forms of corporatism, classical fascism and class dealignment. He is autistic, likes statues a lot.

He likes eating cheese, carrots. He sortof has a political quadrant superiority complex, seeing centrism as the only quadrant of logic and facts, he wishes that more politically based ideologies would be more dominant online, than the current ones.

How to Draw

Draw the red duster flag

Replace the union jack with the imperial German flag

(Optional) Draw him as a jigsaw puzzle piece, cause autism.






Opinions on individuals



  • Nuseir Yassin (///) - I like you but your too annoyingly optimistic, be a bit pessimistic from time to time.
  • John Lennon (///) - Honestly your my least favorite beatle, you just oose of utopian socialism, it's kindof delusional, honestly Pleasantries has ruined Imagine for me, but honestly I'm not quite angry about that. The song seethes with a level of atheism I cannot tolerate. The entire song is just stupidly utopian, everyone won't be pacifist there will always be individuals who will want to declare war on countries, you have to be the most delusional champagne socialist ever. It's sortof ironic that the line "there's no heaven" is supposed to be a good thing, when the celebrities sang that song to raise spirits, they never fought that people dying of COVID-19 were hoping they were going to heaven, so saying there is just makes them think when they die they don't exist anymore, which sure might make them want to live longer, but it leads to an extreme fear of death, that prevents them from accepting death's hand.
  • Pierre-Joseph Proudhon (///File:Anti-Semetic.png) - Culturally cringe, but you're theory is quite based.
  • Xi Jinping (///) - Totalitarian terror capitalist Maoist. But you have a based policy on porn.
  • Eduard Bernstein (File:ClassicalSocdem.png//) - Thanks for making social democracy, c*mmie.
  • File:Vaushism2.pngIan Kochinski (///) - At least you're more tolerable than that twat, you're too arrogant. But your beliefs are okay for a socialist.
  • File:Rishi Sunak.pngRishi Sunak (///) - I know your a bit controversal, but, you're okay, sure I've heard your a kleptocrat and transphobe. But your the first black British prime minister! Hope you reign longer.
  • Liz Truss (/File:ConLib.png//) - Congrats, your probably the shortest reigning leader in my livetime currently. All I remember is you did one law and I can't even remember what it was.
  • William Howard Taft (///) - Don't know anything about you.
  • Eugene V. Debs (/File:ClassicalSocdem.png//) - Okay enough, but too anti-capitalist.
  • June Lapine (//) - Too conservative, which is weird form a conservative. Your quite entertaining.


Opinions on parties






I've noticed my environmental plan is rather authoritarian, my idea is to ban/prevent businesses from destroying the environment. Of course damaging the environment isn't going to become illegal, the company's boss will loose the change of welfare for 12 days. If the company violates this twice the company will be banned. All company's who hurt the environment will be banned, or given native products.

I believe in eco-transhumanism, it's the only form of transhumanism that isn't ultracringe, as leader I'll get technicians to create advanced environmental technology to prevent damage.


Schools where only a specific gender can join shall be dissolved, because what about the thomans (they/them) and the genderless, and intersex.

Schools with a very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very extreme culture of bullying will be punished. Somehow, probably arrest them if they did bad shit. Anyway more last idea of it was shit.


Certain industires will have to be nationalized due to there importance, one is the green industry. This is where the thoery of semi-nationalization comes in.


To prevent the inefficency of a completely nationalized company, they will semi-nationalized, they'll be free to do what they want unless it goes against the ideas of anti-corruption, environmentalism, and foreign peoples.

Social Market Economy

What do you think?

File:TharProtect.png Anti-Authoritarian Protectionism

This just sums up my type of protectionism.

Strengthening of trade unions and cooperatives

I am sympathetic towards a capitalistic eco-cooperative society, and believe in creating one, where members of the cooperatives and trade unions will fight against environmental injustice and their interests from the stingy money-grubby boss.




Think of what happens when a Chinese citizen watches porn.


After discovering Worker Welfarism, I am convinced it's the best solution to welfare leachers. If Worker Welfarism doesn't work than I'll need another solution created by some narcissist.

Cultural and Traditional Ideas

I have always during my live always acknowledged that tradition is important.



I'm straight, and straights are based.

Super Heterosexuality

I identify with this but I'm not transphobic.


Danielism tolerates gays and lesbians.


Lesbians are okay.


Partially supportive, but you look kinda weird in a maid dress.






Good, though some criminals will not be allowed to enter, and some walls will have to be made.

Plastic Surgery

People won't be able to have surgeries, to sexualize their bodies as I oppose the objectification of females in the beauty industry.

Trans people will be able to change there bodies.

Disfigured people will be allowed to make themselves look more normal of cause I'm not lookist.


File:Superb bird of paradise.jpg

I want to change the beauty industry, to make them more realistic than this:



Fat people I fine, I'm partially chubby myself, however...

File:Inflate.pngMorbidly Obese

If you are unhealthily obese, than, loose weight.

I don't want you to die a short live.



Race and Ethnicity












Land Usage Tax

See: Neoclassical Geoliberalism

The percentages will be chronological

5% on homes used by people full time.

13% on small businesses.

23% on land used for fun stuff i.e: water parks, concerts, etc...

26% on small landlord businesses

46% on big businesses.

66% on big landlord businesses

84% on useless land usage.

Land Value Tax


Crime Tax

A tax to punish people from committing crimes, like selling drugs, taking drugs, robbery, etc...

This will tax criminals who haven't been punished by the police. They will be taxed 55% percent and can be changed to 67% if the crime is terrible.

Terrorism Tax

If anyone commits terrorism, after there prison sentence, they will be taxed 80% for 4 years, if they continue committing terrorism, the length of the tax will continue until the fourth act of terrorism.

Inheritance Tax

Small one.

Environmental Damage Tax

Carbon Tax


Oil Tax


Aquatic Damage Tax


Adhearing to Stephen Hawking's warning of genetic modification

I staunchly oppose genetic transhumanism as it could lead to eugenics being right, while it has done some good, genetic transhumanism could lead to terrible downsides for humans, the good outways the bad situation will happen it the future, the world won't acknowledge the possible downsides of it.

Honestly transhumanism just looks really cringe nowadays, like jeez.


I don't really know what to do with guns on one hand, I want everybody to have a gun, but on the otherhand that will make it easier for school shootings, I'm moderate when it comes to guns.


I am a firm supporter of the legalization of cannibalism, people could consensually be euthanaised and cooked, and cannibalized. It has to consensual!

Creating anarchist communes

Dyarchical Monarchism

I believe in monarchism, I've soon discovered something called the Maori King movement, I believe in two kings, the English monarch, and the Maori monarch.

The Maori monarch will be a semi-constitutional monarch, making sure the prime minister isn't committing white nationalism, and authoritarianism. As long as the monarch has accusations of racism the prime minister will have to be fired, and an acting prime minister-esque position will be given to someone by the parliament, his leadership will soon be dissolved after the election on a new prime minister.







If you want to be added do this: incase I can't understand you're ideology

  • File:Pixil-frame-0(27).png New Model Of Cheesenism - add me
  • File:Atronism-icon.png Atronism - Hey there, bud! If you want me to draw an icon and image for you, I'd be glad to help.
    • Danielism - Yes please!
      • File:Atronism-icon.png Atronism - I made this based off you profile: File:Danielf.png. If you want me to do something else, that's completely fine. If you want something specific, give me the details and I'll create a pairing image as well as the icon you would like.
        • File:Danielf.pngDanielism - How do you make them? Also thanks it's pretty perfect.
          • File:Atronism-icon.png Atronism - These are some long instructions, so ask me any questions if you're confused. I use paint.net, which is a software. Install it, download the template, and design it however you would like. If you can't install paint.net, go to paintz.app, which is a website. It works a little worse, but it works without an installation. If you do use paintz.app, before you upload the image to the Wiki, change the background to a color that isn't part of your ball (for example, a rare color, or just any random color). After that, go to LunaPic, upload the icon image to LunaPic, use the background removal tool, and pick the top right tool. Then, pick the background and change the mode to "transparent color". Download the edited image, and upload the image to the Wiki. By the way, could you add me?
  • Glencoe- Add plz
  • Glencoe- what about me is based and what about me is cringe
    • File:Danielf.pngDanielism - After reading more into your ideology than I did before I added yo to my relations, I can't remember, I guess it might've have left-minarchism and technocracy, I almost feel bad calling you cringe.
  • Template:Inexistent-Template - Interesting. Add me to relations.
  • Template:AshleyHere - Add me to relations?
  • Why are you supportive of Henry Kissinger? Also, how is Australia going to go to war with nuclear powers and wouldn't most Australian citizens oppose literal endless war? Even if this were to take place in the future, it's highly unlikely Australia will ever become close to the level of power that China or Russia, and even if other nations declared war alongside Australia, that would just be WW3, plus you probably wouldn't get much international support for going to war with 51 nations
      • Sorry, I meant New Zealand, not Australia.
  • Neo-Kiraism - add me
  • Pantheonism (//) - Add me?
  • Template:UserLibMarxBall(//) - add me.I'm underage too.And,that not Socialism,it's Social-ism
  • Triadism: Add me on Discord Erebus Hellsing#8294
    • File:Danielf.png Logical Totalitarianism - Yeah, I told you this a couple of days ago, I'm underage and so can't go onto discord ):
    • Triadism: Ah, then do you have any social media you use? because it would be very interesting to speak with you well just add me on relation in PCB for now.
  1. Whether I sorta deny it, I am a radical environmentalist, but I am pro-capitalist
  2. Only on green industry
  3. This has to do with my semi-nationalization theory
  4. I strongly oppose the radical post-nationalism of radical globalism
  5. Warning this is going to be boring af
  6. Not egoist it's just sometimes I don't want to follow some dumb thing that's a social construct
  7. I really can't find a philosophy to identify with

Recent changes

  • Gato Matador • 2 minutes ago
  • Gato Matador • 8 minutes ago
  • Iziaslav • 16 minutes ago
  • Javi Coelho • 32 minutes ago