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Leerderism: Difference between revisions

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*[[File:Statesoc.png]] {{PCB|State Socialism}} - This doesn't have the best track record in history, to say it lightly. I prefer Guild Socialism and Classical Social Democracy. The State controlling the economy just lends itself too much to tyranny.
*[[File:Statesoc.png]] {{PCB|State Socialism}} - This doesn't have the best track record in history, to say it lightly. I prefer Guild Socialism and Classical Social Democracy. The State controlling the economy just lends itself too much to tyranny.
*[[File:Multicult.png]] {{PCB|Multiculturalism}} - Yes, all cultures should coexist. But not in this way! Parallel Societies in the same country are a stupid and dangerous idea, instead we should [[File:CultUniNat.png]] [[Universal Nationalism|respect the cultural integrity of every nation]].
*[[File:Multicult.png]] {{PCB|Multiculturalism}} - Yes, all cultures should coexist. But not in this way! Parallel Societies in the same country are a stupid and dangerous idea, instead we should [[File:CultUniNat.png]] [[Universal Nationalism|respect the cultural integrity of every nation]].
*[[File:Indust.png]] [[Industrialism]] - DAMN BIG BUSINESS POLLUTING THE PLANET AND DESTROYING LOCAL ECONOMIES! THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION AND ITS CONSEQUENCES! …Unfortunately, Industry is necessary for our society, and made the lives of many people better in the past.
Unfortunately, Industry is necessary for our society, and made the lives of many people better in the past.

===[[File:No.png]] Blixen [[File:No.png]]===
===[[File:No.png]] Blixen [[File:No.png]]===

Revision as of 01:35, 13 September 2023

Self Insert
"People can really believe anything these days!" - Ismism

This page is meant to represent Dr. Occo's political views. Please do not make any major edits without their permission.

Leerderism is the current ideology of polcompball contributor Dr. Occo. It unites a strong interest in old Frisian culture and political structure with the more Socialist, Progressive and Statist leanings of its creator, seeking to establish a reformed, but recognizable Frisian Identity within an independent East Frisian State and a socialist economy. It is essentially a less authoritarian, more esoteric form of National Fracturism.

The Five core principles of Leerderism

  • Preservation of Culture
  • Preservation of the Environment
  • The Strengthening of Communities of land and people
  • The Universal improvement of living conditions and the pursuit of happiness
  • Equality of all people



Nation and Diplomacy

I am an East Frisian Separatist with Pan-Frisian sympathies and a Universal Nationalist. I believe a small nation-state is overall beneficial, as it is easier to rule and more likely to be culturally homogenous without the need for any particularly cruel measures. I can not be described as an Ethnonationalist, at least not the deportationist or assimilationist kind.

National Identity

The independent East Frisian Nation should have a national cultural identity, that holds the state together and prevents parallel societies from forming, which are often breeding grounds for crime and extremism. This would be achieved not by closing the borders and trying to become ethnically homogenous, but by forcing migrants to learn the official language (High or Low German, whichever one it will be), attend courses on proper behaviour in the Frisian society, and punishing them for trying to split off from the society, for example not cooperating with the school system when it comes to sending children to school. It would, of course, not be part of state practice to erase foreign culture, just to get foreigners to integrate into the national culture by force. The basis of society might be a Frisian culture, but subcultures that form are to be treated with dignity.

Inner Structure

The East Frisian state should not be centralized, but be a somewhat loose federation of individual cities and townships. While the overarching government should still provide most of the actual laws, individual districts would still be able to make decisions of their own, and should strive to be as self-sufficient as possible. As farming is a big part of Frisian economy, it would likely be the most important task of the districts to regulate the farming sector.


While I still believe Internationalist ideologies like Neoliberalism, Neoconservatism, Trotskyism or Fourth Theory need to be abolished, I am also not a full isolationist. A good form of international alliance is the European Union, a trade and defense alliance that protects its member states while granting them complete autonomy in most matters, while NATO is a worse form of International alliance, as it is clearly centered on a common ideological goal, has a clear main country in the US and supports an ideology I can not accept. I am not saying that the EU is perfect, god knows there are major problems with it, and I am also not trying to sell NATO as the ultimate evil, because NATO too has done some good, I am simply expressing my preference for one over the other. Militarily, I am in favor of staying neutral in most cases, only intervening through humanitarian aid and supply shipments in extreme cases, for example of genocide or imperialism, like, again, Russia has a history of doing. What I am explicitly NOT in favor of is intervention in a country for ideological reasons, aka „Liberating a Russian minority“ or „Spreading freedom and democracy“. Economic cooperation is a tad less nefarious in most cases, but can still be a real danger when it leads to particular countries being oppressed for their resources or exorbitant CO2 Emissions from transport vehicles (see section „environment“). Trade relations between countries should be scaled back and carefully observed to prevent economic imperialism. A close cooperation with other micronations, separatist nations and Third-World nations in need of aid would be favored over integration of East Frisia into the Neoliberal status quo of capitalist exchange without care for the human experience.

Anti-Bipolarism and Anti-Americanism

The Bipolar World that was established after the second World War has been an unmitigated disaster for the whole world. During the Cold War, the United States of America and the Soviet Union (almost always in tandem with China) played a high-stakes game of allegiances and wars, with nations like Vietnam, Korea, Germany, Chile, Argentina, Cuba, and many others suffering the consequences of splitting, wars, war crimes inflicted on the population, zero tolerance for ideological disagreements and general repression. While the Soviet Union eventually collapsed, the US never adjusted their role as the alleged Defenders of Freedom, Democracy and Capitalism, as the „World Police“. The modern United States is in the worst state it has ever been in, and thanks to it‘s massive sphere of influence, this is a problem for the entire world. The political system of the US is completely broken. Instead of the two major parties working together, like they did a few decades ago, the modern Democratic and Republican Party are locked in a constant and unrelenting rivalry. On the one end are the Democrats, smug liberals who have no real ideological agenda besides the brewing culture war, who are almost completely steered by their rich donors, who are corrupt to the bone and who run illegitimate campaigns to kneecap any left-wing movement right away, all while positioning themselves as the „leftist“ alternative. On the other side are the Republicans, a party that is currently in a state of utter disarray. I stead of having a uniform party line that all politicians follow, they have only a few very broad descriptors that all Republican politicians share, „conservative“ being the most important. Other than that, they are a party that exists to give Right-Wing populists, Authoritarian strongmen, „Libertarian“ Shills with no real conviction other than making money, Fundamentalist Christian Nationalists, Conspiracy Theorists and Slimy Opportunists a platform. The parties are locked in the culture war, completely unable to effectively govern without the other side crying foul, mostly about supposed fascism. All this leaves the countries‘ problems, like the constantly escalating domestic terrorism of the Alt-Right, the potential start of a new Cold War, the Ukraine crisis, the Trade conflict with China and the consequences of the COVID pandemic, nearly impossible to solve. And all this wouldn‘t be such a complete disaster for me as a German, if it wasn‘t for two factors: First, the bipolar world still exists. Vladimir Putin, the Dictator of Russia, seems determined to reconstruct what was lost when the Societ Union fell. Wether „The West“ likes it or not, he will continue with his goals of ending democracy and establishing a New Russian Empire. With this and Xi Jinpings attempts to make China into the supreme trade power of the world, the bipolar world still exists, and the US is unfortunately the biggest counterweight to those two superpowers. Second: The US, as the center of the „Free World“, exports its own products, culture, politics and conflicts to all their vassal states, sorry, „Allies“. This means that, when the US‘s political system fails, it has a huge effect on all of its Allies as well. And that, as much as I hate the Neoliberal Status Quo, is a scenario I can only pray never comes to pass.


Basically, I am an Eco-Socialist. Though that will be covered in the „Environment“ section of the article, so we will first focus on everything else. I am also a Red Communitarian and Economic Reactionary, believing that the economy would work best if it could go back to a simpler time, when markets existed primarily in local communities instead of being internally connected all over the world.


My economic policy will have to primarily focus on Agrarian Socialism. The farmers today are mostly big corporations that treat the animals they hold extremely badly, and that successfully have „convinced“ the government to turn a blind eye. The corporate structures, not the farmers themselves, should be attacked by the government. Land needs to be redistributed into smaller, communitarian farms ran by a few people, while big corporations in the farming sector should be gradually disowned and eventually completely flushed out of Frisia.

Other Industries

Industries that do not lie in the Agrarian sector should consist of Worker's Guilds. While some industries should be in the hands of the state, because they are too important to be left to any kind of market, most industries should be organized in worker-owned and operated Guilds that are left independent from the government. If a fully egalitarian structure within the guilds ends up not working properly, I would propose a system where there is still a small corporate structure, but the people at the top are directly dependent on the worker's support, for example through workplace democracy.
While the Guilds would not be connected directly to the government, they would be regulated by it. More on that topic in the "Environment" section.


I am in favor of strong welfare programs, like UBI. Though I will freely admit that I am not an expert on those matters, so this would be something someone else has to work on. What I do know is that this welfare system has to still incentivize people to work, and, more importantly, to integrate. We can not have a system that actively rewards non-integration with welfare if we want a country without parallel societies.


I favor Gradual Change and Reform over Violent, quick revolution, not only because I dislike violence, but also because a quick violent change in power is a huge gamble. If your ideals are too unrealistic (which they likely are), and you implement them radically, swiftly and without compromise, you could plunge your country into a period of terror, like the Jacobins or the Soviets, or even complete Chaos. Therefore I favor Gradual reform, where ideals can be tested in reality and mass violence isn't necessary.


The Environment is the only thing I am truly radical about, and is also one of very few things I want the whole world to cooperate on.


The Economy and individuals must be made to abide by harsh Environmental Regulations. For the Economy, this would entail mostly high taxes and bans on certain products and methods of transportation, as well as partially discouraging import of products that can be made at home, like most vegetables and fruits. The individual would not be hit as harshly, as I believe that giving individuals in the lower income groups the responsibility to solve systemic issues is stupid and just a ploy by by capitalists to avoid doing their part. Still, some luxuries would have to be greatly scaled back, above all cars. The state should invest in more bike-friendly and human-centric infrastructure, especially in the cities, and strong train/bus networks, which would eventually phase out the need for cars. While these cars might stay legal, some other items of more extreme luxury would be banned, an example being Cruise Ships (Yes, those are being built in Frisia) and Private jets. Generally, if anything is not deeply intertwined with the system itself and not able to reform into being Eco-Friendly, it needs to be discouraged, if not banned.

Global Cooperation

Apart from trying to export the before mentioned policies into the whole world, there should also be a much more substantive version of the Paris Climate Accords (The Emden Accords?) that actually enforces something instead of just disapproving of Eco-unfriendly behaviour with absolutely no consequence. Also, the Neoliberal Status Quo would really need to be abolished for this to work, which would only work through Global Cooperation, ideally in the Spirit of Universal Nationalism. This also feeds into my Anti-Americanism, as their absolutely asinine system of government, political structure and insane levels of international entanglement makes it really hard for any reasonable environmental protections to get passed.


The Environment is to be deeply engraved in the Frisian National Identity. Our forests and especially our swamps should be a big part of patriotic pride of a frisian person, and going on walks in nature could be seen as the healthy and fulfilling activity it is. This would all do wonders for at least the local environment.

Insurrectionary Action

As long as there are no people getting hurt, I support insurrectionary action to enforce environmentalist causes.


I am socially mostly an average progressive, though with Strong Cultural Standards. Basically, I see no contradiction between socially progressive ideals and preservation of Frisian culture.


It‘s pretty simple: LGBT individuals deserve all the same rights as heterosexuals do. As I see it, Adoption rights are not an issue since government child services do already review if a foster family is able to care for the foster child, and there is no inherent need for a child to have a mother and a father. Gay Marriage should ideally be fully equal to straight marriage, and discrimination against people based on their sexual preference should be covered with discrimination laws. Hate speech would be discouraged, but not banned, as hate speech laws are notoriously finicky. Though hate speech in major media outlets would be discouraged way more than hate speech by individuals. These hate speech laws should apply to everything in the „Society“ section, not just LGBT issues. Polyamory would also be permitted, but Poly relationships would be under supervision, as there is potential to disguise a human trafficking operation by declaring it to be polyamory.


Transgender people are valid. Studies consistently show the exact opposite of what Anti-Trans figures like Matt Walsh claim to be the truth. Allowing transition leads to less suicide, a majority of trans people do not experience regret over a transition, and that number would only grow as Trans-ness becomes a normal, rarely discussed thing.
I am in favor of allowing changes of legal gender without much effort, as what is your legal gender can not have huge negative impacts on anything, but actually getting gender-affirming surgery should remain a longer process. It should not be allowed for minors, they should instead be given puberty blockers so they can medically transition once they are old enough, and there should be a review period for everyone who wants to transition, but otherwise there should be no effort to stop people from living how they want to live.
Misgendering should remain non-punishable. It would only be of relevance when used in a campaign of harassment, combined with other, more serious offenses.


Simple: Women and Men should have the same opportunities. I am not in favor of quotas or so called „inclusive language“, especially Gendersprache, as I believe they are a complete waste of time and effort in the dreaded culture war. Quotas stand in the way of an effective, meritocratic system. Instead, we should simply strive to make society as a whole more equal, thus indirectly showing young girls that they can be anything they want. Gendersprache and other such things are almost completely useless, petty distractions and weapons of a loud minority in the feminist movement that disguises their personal misandrist hatred as „Feminism“.


Abortion should be legal. There are two reasons for this, one is based on personal beliefs, the other on pragmatism.
Personally, I believe that a human embryo/fetus does not have any inherent value, as I don‘t really have a spiritual value system. A human embryo/fetus is less developed, less aware and less intelligent than a chicken, and most Pro-Lifers are very much opposed to Veganism, despite Chickens and other farm animals being treated absolutely horrifically. The only inherent value a human embryo/fetus has that is not shared by a chicken is its potential to develop into a normal human, who is, in fact, more intelligent and aware than a chicken. But mourning for loss of potential, in this case, is an endeavor so stupid that I do not even feel the need to explain why it is stupid.
Now, the pragmatic approach. If abortions are outlawed, that will not necessarily result in less abortions, just less legal abortions. So, the embryos/fetuses will still die, but now the mothers have to seek help on a black market, where there are no legally enforceable security standards. If you outlaw abortion, all you do is fill up the courts and prisons, and drive people onto a black market where they could be seriously harmed by an unsafe illegal abortion, instead of actually lowering the number of abortions.

Ethnicity, Culture and "Race"

I don't believe in Race as a unifier. White people from Italy are so different from White people from Norway, and Black People from Somalia are so different to Black people from Namibia, that it is not helpful to categorize people in this way except when it comes to protecting people from racism.
Other than that, I have already said that I am a Cultural Conservative and Nationalist. So as long as a foreigner, no matter their ethnicity or especially no matter their skin colour, can integrate into the National Culture, they have every right to be a citizen. I am therefore in favor of legal immigration to my country, as long as it is equipped to handle it, and as long as the immigrants can either assimilate into or interact with the Culture, as I said. This assimilation/interaction often happens automatically over generations, but not only are there major exceptions to this rule, but I think it is too dangerous to accept an older generation of culturally isolated foreigners, under the pretense that „their children might be better than them, some day.“
Oh, and by the way: the immigrants are not taking your jobs away. Your jobs are being stolen from you by a system of capitalism that considers the well-being of workers to be less important than the money that some millionaire has on his offshore bank account.


Leerderism is a Secular, highly syncretic ideology with some Laicist ideals. I believe there should be no state religion, instead there should exist an agreement in society that all religions are valid and should be preserved, be they pagan, Abrahamic, Eastern, modern imaginings or even satirical. This, however, does not protect those religions from the consequences of their own actions. If the Catholic Church can not fix its problems, the state will not come to the rescue and help them anyway, but they would be expected to adapt on their own. Churches should not be treated any differently than other organizations by the state.

The Culture War

The Culture War is a completely useless and extremely annoying conflict. It started because of the USA‘s disastrous political system, and it works as a tool for Russia and other Anti-Western powers to erode democracy, freedom and compassion everywhere. It unfortunately got imported to Europe because of our ties to the US, and it is to be completely eradicated. The problem is: A war is not a thing one can stop easily. The sides won‘t just give up their posts as soon as a third party says „Stop That“. So this culture war has to be stopped, not by one extreme action, but by a long and arduous process of education, rationality and reasoned debate.


My Philosophy is really simple. I believe that practically nothing is universal. There is no meaning of life, there is no ultimate answer, there are no universal values, and there are no strings of fate. Humanity is completely free of supernatural influence.
Despite being a Nihilist, I still believe in things such as honor, and I do in fact have a personal honor code. It is mostly based on simple Utilitarianism, and a quasi-spiritual sense of obligation to the dead. For this reason, I am, for example, opposed to celebrating the death of people, even if they are very unpleasant and my enemies.
The closest match for my philosophy would be Optimistic Nihilism.

Other Stuff

Death Penalty: Yes or no?


User Alignment Test of Ultimate Destiny

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Post your results here:


Heel wat besünners

  • Communitarianism - A politicians responsibility is first and foremost to the community.
  • Environmentalism - One of the core principles of my ideology. Nature is our friend!
  • Peasants' Republicanism - The German Peasant Uprisings failing was one of the most tragic events in history, in my humble opinion.
  • Eco-Socialism - We‘ve seen what Billionaires have done to our world, it is now time to fix that!
  • Eco-Nationalism - Two based things make one ultra-Based thing.


  • Environmental Globalization - The only good kind of Globalization. Stopping something that could harm the whole world is a priority for the whole world.
  • Meritocracy - A very worthwhile way to determine who is fit to govern. Though I did not forget what the ancient Chinese Emperors did while this system was in place there, and I also maintain that the name „Meritocracy“ sounds ridiculous.
  • Technogaianism - Oh shit, It’s GAIA! Quick people, destroy all the robots! Otherwise the Faro plague will get us! So, this is pretty much as good as Transhumanism gets. My Autism still makes me a bit sceptical of big changes, so Transhumanism scares me, but I logically know it‘s a good thing, especially for the medical sector. And this is, as I said, the absolute best form of Transhumanism.
  • Agrarianism - The Great Tradition of my homeland, my people and even my family. Some Agrarians can be annoyingly conservative, and big rich farmers are bad for almost everything, but all in all this is based.
  • Agrarian Socialism - Land Reform! Land Reform! Land Reform! This is the best type of Agrarianism.
  • Progressive Conservatism - Based cultural compromise.
  • Liberal Socialism and Capitalist Communism - Based economic compromise.

Up Stee

  • Nationalism - Nationalist policy is important, the state is the nation after all, but this can quickly change into more sinister stuff.
  • Cultural Nationalism - Preserving National and local culture is important, as is preventing dangerous parallel cultures from forming. But suppressing other cultures is ultranationalist garbage, and this ideology sadly often leads to exactly that happening.
  • National Agrarianism - Nationalism? Quite Based! Agrarianism? An important part of Frisian Culture and Economy! Extremely xenophobic sentiments due to rural areas being generally more conservative? Uhm. Okay that should maybe be looked into.
  • Civic Nationalism - Definitely a better qualifier than race or ethnicity, but not as good of one as culture and language. I believe that citizenship is the only true requirement for nationality, but I also believe that Immigrants must be pressured to integrate, lest they form a subculture that breeds crime or radicalism, and you can‘t do that without a good signifier for true nationality.
  • Noocracy - It is broadly agreeable to say that the wisest people should rule. Though this ideology tends to focus too much on philosophy, and it is often used by Autocrats and Monarchists, so it‘s not a completely unproblematic proposal.
  • Civil Libertarianism - Do Civil Liberties include the Liberty to own a Private Jet? Or go on a Cruise Ship? Because that is a hard no from me.
  • Interculturalism - Cultures coexisting while interaction between them is encouraged, that's exactly my ideal. But the melting pot model is even worse than Multiculturalism. Since it originated in the US which did not have a native culture (that wasn't exterminated), it's not shocking that it leads to multiple cultures fusing together into one distinct new culture, and it's fine when applied to the US and other colonial nations, but in nations that have an indigenous culture, it is a catastrophic practice.
  • Hydrarchy - The Victual Brothers and Likedeelers did some epic trolling, and I love stories about when Pirates annoyed the British Empire, but of course they were still criminals, and often not very nice people at all.

Heel egal

  • Left-Wing Populism - Makes generally good points against the Right, but can be extremely hyperbolic. Also, this ideology is very broad, which often makes parties with it as their main ideology fall into leftist infighting, like we saw with Die Linke.
  • Agorism - Black Markets are an important method to counteract unfair corporate and government practices in times of crisis, but are of course still a type of illegal, highly capitalist system that must be counteracted when the economy of the country is doing well, as well as a breeding ground for more destructive crime, an example being murder to prevent the toppling of a well-functioning black market crime empire.
  • Reactionary Socialism - My exact economic system, but Monarchist and pro-serfdom. Considering this is also Anti-Enlightenment, I really doubt that the king will treat the workers very well. And of course this ideology is socially reactionary as well…
  • Eco-Conservatism - Quite based for a conservative. Kretschmann is a complete hypocrite, and most Conservatives are too corrupt to give a shit about the environment, but in general it would be good if this very logically consistent ideology would become more widespread.
  • Homoconservatism - Literally me fr fr The Anti-Trans hategroups that have this ideology are stupid and hateful, and I hate Alice Weidel, but the general idea of Queer-friendly conservatism is good.
  • Conservative Socialism - Conservative on the wrong aspects, and most Consocs are Orthodox Marxists. But I could myself be described as a conservative socialist, so… give or take, 5/10.

Har leper kunt

  • Marxism - Reading Marx in process, please stand by…
  • Revolutionary Progressivism - Overzealous culture destroyers who enthusiastically fight the culture war, but they are necessary as allies when the alternative are social conservatives and worse.
  • Green Liberalism - DiE gRüNeN!!!!!!11!1! No, but seriously, this is pretty terrible. I understand that Die Grünen are being hamstrung pretty terribly by their coalition partners in the FDP, but that still doesn‘t mean I have to be over the moon for those spineless liberals. And the worst thing? I have to be on their side because the alternative are corrupt, Planet destroying idiots!
  • Religious Nationalism - Not quite as bad as Ethnonationalism, but still pretty unbased. Religion is not part of the National Cultural Identity. It is, instead, an International Institution and a part of a person's personal identity that they should be able to live out however they want.
  • State Socialism - This doesn't have the best track record in history, to say it lightly. I prefer Guild Socialism and Classical Social Democracy. The State controlling the economy just lends itself too much to tyranny.
  • Multiculturalism - Yes, all cultures should coexist. But not in this way! Parallel Societies in the same country are a stupid and dangerous idea, instead we should respect the cultural integrity of every nation.
  • Industrialism - DAMN BIG BUSINESS POLLUTING THE PLANET AND DESTROYING LOCAL ECONOMIES! THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION AND ITS CONSEQUENCES! …Unfortunately, Industry is necessary for our society, and made the lives of many people better in the past.


  • Kakistocracy - I hate idiots!
  • Liberalism and Third Way - „Why are so many Nationalist parties getting so much support? It‘s a mystery! I mean, all we‘re doing is constantly doing big business‘ bidding and bringing in cheap Labour from abroad to replace the upper/middle class, while running on issues of climate change (which this practice is heavily contributing to, making us seem hypocritical) and Minority Rights (which don‘t matter at all to the blue-collar workers who are being replaced and losing their income, while normally living in a conservative environment)! What we should do now is antagonize those workers, while changing absolutely nothing about our goals. All hail the mighty status quo!“
  • European Federalism - The current EU is enough. We do not need such Neo-Imperialist ideas for Europe.
  • Ultranationalism - Yes, I like my Nation. And so do others with their nations. That is precisely why nation supremacy is a harmful and frankly terrible ideology. Why can‘t you just accept that your nation is not so important that you have to kill for it?
  • Neoreactionaryism - The rightist counterpart of my ideology. I have some respect for it, but I really don‘t agree with anything except the vague notion of Economic Reactionaryism.
  • Liberal Feminism - Simply not the right answer. I don't think the endgoal of feminism should be to integrate women into the male-dominated system, effectively just feminizing the patriarchy, instead of building a system that has no patriarchy. Also, Hillary Clinton was weapons grade cringe and needs to be blamed for Trumps victory, Kathleen Kennedy defiled Star Wars, and JK Rowling is a genocide supporter.
  • Aristocracy - It had its time and place, and Aristocrats were often important to balance out the power a king held, but when the nobles got too much power in Frisia they turned it into just another Feudal State. The fact that I am named after one of those nobles does not make it better at all.
  • National Liberalism - How‘s Brexit working out for ya? Also, I think Nationalism and Liberalism are contradictory, seen how Liberalism is culturally left (so pro-immigration) and supports the free market.

De Düvel van Kaar offallen

  • Fascism - Fascism is a system that places all the power there is (power over the economy, power over the government itself, and power over ground morality) in the hand of the government, while usually requiring a belief in ingroups and outgroups and a "natural hierarchy" of people, where there are people who are "undesirable" simply for existing in a certain demographic. This means that Fascism does not simply enable genocide, genocide is almost a natural endpoint of fascism.
  • Nazism - May you suffer eternally in the darkness of the infinity, you wretched, vile, monstrous piece of garbage.
  • National Capitalism - „Nooooo I can‘t be a Nazi the Nazis were third position!“ About that.
  • Racial Nationalism - The Even more retarded version of Ethnonationalism. Builds on the worthless concept of „Race“ instead of Ethnicity, and is also the go-to ideology for murderers, terrorists and cultists.
  • Eugenicism - Gien en hau sien Kinner dood!
  • Imperialism - LEWER DUAD AS SKLAV! 1744 never forget!
  • World Federalism - NEVER! KILL IT WITH FIRE! Also, the amount of Red tape would be insane.
  • Neoliberalism - I think I have made my position on this quite clear.
  • Neoconservatism - „Howdy Pardner. We, the USA, have decided that your nation is too leftist to exist, and we have also decided that we are the ultimate authority on this world. Now we will bomb your country and install a Fascist Military Dictatorship in your country so we can easily extract your valuable resources through the Neoliberal World Market.“
  • State Liberalism - An extremely unfunny strawman of everyone who is not culturally conservative, made by the rightist side of the dreaded culture war. And for the real-life ideologies that come closest to this: They are imperialist, corrupt scum. No, it‘s not legitimate to bomb a country because the people there are bigoted.
  • Radical Feminism - Geez, no wonder nobody likes you. I recognize Patriarchal structures in Society, but The Patriarchy isn't a secretive club of evil men that sends Trans women to sexually assault """real""" women. You're just misandry with a mask. And some of your acolytes are straight-up genocidal. For more information, see this video.
  • Islamic Fascism, Jihadism and Islamic Theocracy - Looks like someone needs to be sent to reeducation.



  • File:NNGM.png New North German Model - More extreme than me, but generally shares most of my ideas, now even more than when my ideology was National Fracturism. He was also the one who truly introduced me to the PCB community, so thanks for that. The only real problem I have with you is the Ethnonationalism, that one is a bit icky.
  • Neoteric Communization - While I can‘t really make much of your philosophy, first because I‘m not a philosophical guy and second because it‘s really weird, your politics seem mostly good. Regulatory and Explicitly Anti-Neoliberal economic policy is something that will always get me onto your side, and while I wouldn‘t go so far as to ban all pornography, your social policy is alright too.
  • Great British New Left - A mainline socialist, and Labour nostalgic. From what I can tell, you're pretty cool, the only thing that I don't like is it seems like you're opposed to nationalism and separatism. Though your article doesn't really have much actual political stance, just people you support, so I probably need to revise this relation in the future.


  • Meridionalism - Generally based ideology, Separatism are great, as is the segment „Why I believe in Socialism“ where you make clear that you do not strive for power, but simply want all people to be well and happy. Although I fear that the US South is one of the worst places for progressive socialist ideas, so your ideology would not be easy to implement in the real world. Then again, you are definitely not the one at fault there. Why are you so indifferent to slavery though?
  • Pantheonism - Almost all of our policies align, except for one, but that one is a dealbreaker. Yep, it‘s the World Federalism vs. Nationalism. We‘ll probably never change our respective positions on that issue, so I‘ll not belabor the point any more ( Would still prefer your system to the Neoliberal Status Quo though ).



  • Brazilian Liberalism - LiberalTM. As if the world needed more of those.
  • Rigby Thought - A conservative that is not a populist and xenophobic piece of shit? That is becoming rare these days, and I respect you for not going with the flow. LGBT Conservatism, Patcon and Ecocon are all based. The problem is, of course, that our economic policies do not align (I am fond of socialism, you are not), and while your hatred of communism is understandable, using Cold War methods in the modern day is not. You also seem to support authoritarian methods used by the military dictatorship, and that worries me. You‘re still better than your libtard countryman because your ideology is at least distinct.
  • Mordecaism - Look out people, le Socialism Understander has arrived! Delivering powerful and not at all overdone points like "If Socialism good, then why Venezuela?", "You claim to hate Capitalism, yet you live in a rich capitalist nation", "Rich People can't be legitimate socialists" and of course "Socialism is when the government does stuff". Your ideology isn't THAT bad, because you at least support Social Justice and some Welfare, but your argument against socialism is terrible. The only way it could be worse is if you just used a soy wojak.
  • National 16384ism - While you are quite nice to chat with online, and we share some beliefs, namely environmentalism and Nationalism, I have to heavily disagree with Religious influence in politics and all that comes from that, namely most of your cultural policy. Also, your strawman of the Cultural Left is quite infuriating to me.


  • TIIKKETMASTER Thought - I am Ticket Master, Tickets to the Pain Train! On a more serious note, I find your ideology to be pretty unbased. I don‘t like global revolution for many reasons, and poorly evidenced conspiracy theories are not legitimate grievances to have in my opinion. I obviously disagree with Neoluddism and Free Market Capitalism, and your critique of Progressivism is very weird. However your opinion that the Government should be environmentalist is good, as is your somewhat nuanced reactionary outlook.
  • Messardism - Nazi-Maoism? Really? And that bullshit of a „Male-Centered society“ is completely arbitrary nonsense and spits in the face of human diversity. At least you want a strong social state, but those views are a dime a dozen, and there are loads of people that have the same ideas without being Odalist weirdos.
  • National Wodenism - Benevolent Fascism is still Fascism.
  • Alstūdism - Benevolent Fascism 2: Norwegian Boogaloo.


  • Bunisoc - You deleted my art! Literally 1498!
  • Neo-Majapahitism - What this ideology is against: Democracy, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Assembly, Freedom of the Press, Chinese People as a whole, etcetera. What this ideology is for: Absolutism, Monarchy, widespread Death Penalty, completely punitive justice system, extreme militarism, a Stasi-like Secret Police. Yeah, okay, Mister TotaLARPtarian.
  • MugiKotobuki8814ism - Fascist Weeb Coomer. Oh, how I despise people who need to clarify their Masturbation habits in their Self-Insert articles, and this one is the worst of all! Other than that your policies are just Wannabe Nazi Garbage.
  • Neo-Glencoeism - Capitalist Liberalism, Hawkism, Anti-Tinism, Liberal school of Progressivism, it is all extremely cringe. You‘re in the same category as a Coomer Nazi, and you 100% deserve it.
  • Tedcruzfan Thought - mfers be like „I love Jesus“ and then proceed to say the most Antialtruistic shit imaginable.



  • Howard Phillips Lovecraft - Not read all his stories, but the ones I did read were top-tier creative and legitimately scary in places. Of course, Lovecraft is now widely known for his extreme racism, but the rest of his ideology was pretty cool. What he choose to do, he did great, and we also got a neat philosophy from him. Also, I feel that his racism had very little impact in the end. He was too English in his bigotry for the US, and he even disavowed his own beliefs at the end, at least partly.
  • Napolean Bonaparte - A great general, social reformer and the best option at his time, compared to the House of Bourbon and the Jacobins. Though it wasn't very cool that he invaded Frisian and Dutch Lands, he at least set up republican institutions there.


  • SPACE FROGS ( Rick Garrido and Steven Schuto) - Generally a good political position, and nice ideas like UBI and most Anti-Corruption efforts they support, but their content often suffers from them not going deep enough. Their videos are good, but none is over half an hour long due to YouTube being their full-time job, and that sometimes leads them to make half-baked points and endorse questionable positions.
  • Cody K. Johnston and the Some More News team - A better version of Renegade Cut in basically every aspect. The videos are more thought out, there are less lies, the show seems less extreme, and as far as I know they have not yet advocated for terrorism. But it's almost comical how incredibly idealistic these guys are. I mean come on, no governments and no borders? Yeah, I'm sure that'll work great and not just result in complete Chaos.



  • Theresa May - Watching her entire career crash and burn once she realized Brexit was more complicated than she thought is some of greatest Realsatire I have had the pleasure of experiencing. My condolences to the British though.
  • Olaf Scholz - Olol Scholol is a very boring man with seemingly no convictions, and I'm still in disbelief that the SPD couldn't find someone without a major corruption scandal to be their chancellor candidate. Hooray, now we have a chancellor that is likely corrupt and also passed legislation that killed a teenager!
  • Leon „Renegade Cut“ Thomas - Sometimes makes good points against the American Right and Liberals, and the entire American system. But also often has very bad takes, is seemingly unable to separate art from politics, and I am just generally not a fan of Anarchism.
  • Leon Trotsky - The better alternative to Stalin, and a brilliant strategist, but his ideology is revolting, in more ways than one.


  • HBomberguy - Smug Hack, who can not separate art from politics, is often overgeneralising, and makes bad points to further a political agenda that isn't even well defined.
  • Liz Truss - 1) Become Prime minister without the people voting for you, 2) Tank the economy even more, 3) Kill the Queen by being too cringe for her, 4) Resign and 5) Realize that you got dunked on by a lettuce
  • Kim Jong Un - A pretty horrible dictator, but at least keeps himself out of international politics, unlike Putin and Xi.


  • Vladimir Putin - Warmongering Imperialist. Worst person alive right now. Slava Ukraini!
  • Xi Jinping - Uighurs, Kazakhs, Hong Kong, Gay Rights, Social Credit, Influence on Western Markets because Corporations have no backbone, Neo-Imperialism, it's all terrible! Xi must leave, and China must be majorly reformed, or even better, broken up!
  • Hafez Al-Assad and Bashar Al-Assad - See people, THIS is the consequence of parallel cultures! When one of them gets to power without dismantling the structure itself, nothing good can come of it! (Allah Syria Bashar is a banger though)
  • Donald Trump - A giant baby that dreams of a world where he is a Totalitarian, free to lord over the United States of America. He used an absolutely broken system to get into power, and promptly mishandled the COVID crisis, indirectly killing thousands of people and permanently ruining the lives of many more. Not to mention that his border policy was completely ridiculous and cruel, that he incited a coup, and that he made the American system of government even worse than it was before, somehow. If he becomes president a second time, I will officially lose all faith in this stupid nation.
  • Elon Musk - When he said he was a "Free Speech Absolutist", you imagined this, but it was actually this. Besides, he's very stupid and way too rich. He thinks that he can reach a Utopian future by inventing the shiny surfave level stuff, instead of making life actually better for everyone.


The State







Have Read

  • Tyrannen - Eine Geschichte von Caligula bis Putin[1]

Will Read/Am Reading

  • - The Prince
  • - Das Kapital (+ other works)




  1. "Tyrants - A History from Caligula to Putin"