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Hi Jreg, I hate your content😈!!!!

If you have any questions about my ideology, reach me at +1 614-980-4615 or [email protected]

Borker Thought is the ideology of Borker, The People's Mod of Ideology Polls.

It is an Anarchist and economically far-left ideology that was cobbled together from the thoughts of Borkerface1776. He strongly hates Marx and the intelligentsia, who he believes are authoritarians who care little about the workers. He is mostly influenced by Bakunin and Machajski.

-Table of Contents-


Borker Thought emerged from the personal journey of Borker, who became an anarchist and sought to define his political beliefs more coherently.

Previously Borker had been a Democratic Socialist, but became more libertarian through listening to their arguments, which pushed Borker into being an anarchist.

Political Journey

  1. 2007-2018 Was raised relatively progressive as my parents were.
  2. 2018-2019 I was the standard Bernie supporter who idolized the Nordic System of Social Democracy.
  3. 2019-2020 Had started to drift more radical as the pandemic set in, specifically got into Trotskyism from reading Mandel, and I considered myself a Mandelist.
  4. 2020-2020 My short lived bout as a council communist started as I read into the Spartacists.
  5. 2020-2022 I started to get less radical as the pandemic calmed down, I was the standard DSA supporter (still am a card-carrying member of the organization), I was kind of an American Nationalist and Isolationist as well. I eventually started to tread more and more libertarian as I was exposed to them, and eventually started considering myself an anarchist without adjectives.
  6. 2022- What I've been for a while now, I developed into this as I read more into classic anarchist theorists like Bakunin and Kropotkin. I still consider myself this, as I don't actually call myself a "Borkerist" in real life.


Borker Thought is a political ideology that represents the views of Borkerface. The ideology is based on a combination of Anarcho-Collectivism, Democratic Confederalism, {{PCB|Socialism|Socialism]], and anti-intellectualism. The central tenet of Borker Thought is the belief that power should be aligned with the people, and that the collective good should be the ultimate goal.

Borker Thought advocates for the collectivization of knowledge and goods to strip the power the intelligentsia, and to provide for everyone. It calls for the workers to own the means of production and for the environment to be respected. The ideology seeks to create a society that prioritizes the well-being of all its members and is characterized by worker self-management, direct democracy, and community solidarity.

The economic vision of Borker Thought centers around the idea of worker ownership and control of the means of production. This means that the workers, rather than a small group of owners, would control the resources and decision-making power in the workplace. Borker Thought sees this as a way to promote greater economic democracy and to eliminate the exploitation of labor by capital.

In addition to worker ownership, Borker Thought advocates for a strong social safety net, with access to basic necessities such as healthcare, education, and housing guaranteed as a basic human right. The ideology also emphasizes the importance of environmental sustainability, with a focus on green energy, local food systems, and sustainable agriculture.

5 Principles of Borker Thought

  • The immediate abolition of the state after the revolution.
  • The equality of every working man and woman, and the belief of revolution over cravenly reformism.
  • Local, community-based economies that prioritize the needs of the people who live there.
  • Upholding the values of nationalism and religion as important cultural aspects that strengthen communities.
  • The vision of a society where individuals are not forced to sell their labor for a wage, goods are not solely produced for exchange, and possessions are not privately owned.


Rather than a hierarchical structure with a small number of elected officials making decisions on behalf of the people, it calls for a system of direct democracy where decisions are made by the people themselves.

In this system, the government would be organized into decentralized, horizontally organized collectives that are empowered to make decisions on issues affecting their particular community. These collectives would be networked together through Democratic Confederalism, allowing for coordination on broader issues and the sharing of resources and information. Issues would be voted on through the community

In addition to the other elements, it also draws on the principles of Classical Nationalism. This aspect of the ideology emphasizes the importance of a shared cultural identity and collective heritage as the foundation for a strong and unified society. It seeks to seclude itself from other cultures, so it can keep a shared identity and common goals. By combining the principles of classical nationalism with those of collectivism and socialism, Borker Thought presents a vision for a society that is both unified and egalitarian.

Technological Beliefs

Borker Thought recognizes the benefits of technology in advancing society, but is wary of the negative effects it can have on people's lives and the environment. It advocates for a more sustainable and equitable approach to technology, which prioritizes the well-being of individuals and the planet over materialistic gain.

Borker Thought emphasizes the need for a balanced and holistic approach to technology, which takes into account its impact on society, the environment, and human well-being. It seeks to promote a lifestyle that is less dependent on material possessions and consumption, and more focused on community, creativity, and personal growth.

Borker Thought also supports the development of technologies that are geared towards improving the quality of life for all people, such as clean energy, sustainable agriculture, and accessible healthcare. It believes that technology should be used as a tool to empower individuals and communities, and not as a means of control or exploitation.


Borker Thought's economic system is based on the principles of Democratic Socialism and Anarcho-Collectivism. It seeks to create a society where wealth and resources are equitably distributed, and where individuals have control over their own lives and livelihoods. The system is designed to eliminate the exploitation of labor and ensure that everyone's basic needs are met.

One of the key features of Borker Thought's economic system is the use of labor vouchers. These vouchers are given to workers based on the amount of time they spend working, rather than the amount of money they earn. This ensures that everyone is compensated fairly for their labor, regardless of their skills or the type of work they do. Labor vouchers can be used to purchase goods and services, and are non-transferable, which means they cannot be bought or sold.

To ensure that goods and services are produced and distributed efficiently, Borker Thought's economic system uses artificial markets. These markets are designed to simulate the conditions of a market economy, but without the exploitation and inequality that comes with it. Artificial markets are controlled by the community, which sets prices based on the cost of production and the needs of the community. This allows for the efficient allocation of resources and ensures that everyone has access to the goods and services they need.

In addition to labor vouchers and artificial markets, It's economic system also emphasizes the importance of communal ownership of the means of production. This means that land, resources, and factories are owned and managed collectively by the community, rather than by individuals or corporations. This ensures that everyone has an equal stake in the economy, and that resources are used in the most efficient and sustainable way possible.

Foreign Policy

The foreign policy of Borker Thought is rooted in the principles of pacifism, Anti-Imperialism, and nationalism. It sees peace as a necessary precondition for the development of a just and equitable society, and as such, it rejects military intervention and war as a means of resolving conflicts. Rather, it advocates for the use of diplomacy and nonviolent conflict resolution to promote peace and stability both domestically and internationally.

Borker Thought is also fiercely anti-imperialist, rejecting any attempt by one nation to exert political or economic influence over another. It believes in the right of all nations to self-determination and autonomy, and sees the imposition of external political or economic systems as a form of oppression.

At the same time, Borker Thought is firmly grounded in the principles of nationalism, and sees the protection of national sovereignty as a crucial component of its foreign policy. It rejects the idea of internationalism, as well as also opposing the formation of military alliances or pacts, seeing these as potential threats to national sovereignty and the principles of peace and nonviolence.

Militia Structure

The militia would be composed of volunteers from the general population, who would undergo rigorous training in nonviolent conflict resolution, crisis management, and emergency response. Rather than relying on weapons and force, the militia would prioritize diplomatic efforts and the use of nonviolent methods to resolve conflicts.

In addition to its defensive role, the militia would also play a critical role in disaster relief efforts, responding to natural disasters and other emergencies domestically. It would be structured in a decentralized manner, with a focus on community engagement and cooperation, and would work closely with local and regional authorities to provide timely and effective response.


At the core of Borker Thought's cultural philosophy is a strong sense of national identity and pride, which emphasizes the unique traditions, history, and values of the community. The ideology recognizes the role of culture in shaping social norms and values, and seeks to promote a culture of equality, cooperation, and mutual respect. It supports the arts and humanities, and seeks to provide equal access to cultural institutions and resources for all members of society.

Borker Thought's social views are deeply rooted in the principles of justice, equity, and solidarity. It recognizes the importance of addressing systemic inequalities and promoting social and economic justice, and seeks to empower marginalized and oppressed communities. It supports policies that promote access to healthcare, education, and other basic necessities, and seeks to create a society where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

The Cultural Revolution

Another key part of the cultural aspect of Borker Thought is the cultural revolution, not in the Maoist sense of great social progression, but rather a return to the old ways of living, and specifically with it's Norwegian Nationalist views, to return to the ancient ways of the Norse. This does not entail bringing back all practices of the Vikings, like raiding and pillaging, but bringing about a more communitarian and honor based society, and the heavily decentralized nature of "Things" to resolve issues within the villages, and to open dialogue with other villages, which is part of the networking of communes Borker Thought advocates for.

To go along with this, within the villages, it would be very Agrarian and deeply religious as well, though instead of Christianity, Borker Thought wants a return to Norse Paganism, which it views as a more authentically Norwegian religion, rather than one imposed on us hundreds of years ago. This is why Borker Thought holds great respect for movements like the Diggers in the English Civil War, which are pretty much the ideal that this ideology strives for.

Why Paganism?


Social Views

Culturally, Borker Thought is moderately progressive, supporting LGBTQ+ Rights, though not liking SJW types, seeing them not as a force for positive change, but an obstacle to progress. It view SJWs as overly focused on identity politics, and believe that this focus can lead to division and tribalism. Borker Thought also disagrees with the tactics used by some SJWs, such as "cancel culture" and online harassment, which it see as counterproductive and harmful to free speech.

The New Family Unit

Borker Thought's progressive views do not conflict with its view of the family as a foundational element of society. While Borker Thought seeks to challenge traditional notions of the family, it does not seek to abolish it altogether. Instead, it recognizes that the family is a vital social unit that provides stability and support for individuals. It believes that the family should be reimagined to better reflect the diverse needs and experiences of modern society. This means that the traditional nuclear family model, consisting of a heterosexual married couple and their children, should be broadened to include different family structures such as same-sex couples. Borker Thought seeks to promote cultural family values that prioritize love, respect, and acceptance of all family members, regardless of their gender identity or sexual orientation. Borker Thought also emphasizes the importance of loyalty to one's country and community. The ideology supports a strong sense of nationalism and believes that families should instill a sense of pride in their nation and its cultural values. It also believes that the family should serve as a spiritual center, promoting a connection to the gods and a sense of religious faith. The ideology emphasizes the importance of maintaining traditional religious values and promoting the spiritual growth of individuals and families.

As a collectivist ideology, Borker Thought places great importance on the well-being of the community and the family. As mentioned before, it seeks to establish new cultural family values that prioritize the collective over the individual. One of these value is a commitment to caring for and supporting elderly family members. Borker Thought believes that the elderly should be seen as a valuable resource and that their contributions to society should be recognized and appreciated. It also emphasizes the importance of intergenerational solidarity, encouraging families to work together and support one another in order to achieve common goals. Another key value is the importance of education within the family unit. Borker Thought believes that parents should be actively involved in their children's education and that education should be seen as a collective responsibility rather than an individual one.

Reform and Revolution

Borker Thought recognizes that reform can be a useful tool for improving the lives of people in the short term, but it ultimately sees revolution as the only means of achieving it's ideal society, as reformism merely pacifies the proletariat.

One of the main issues with reform is that it often fails to address the root causes of systemic injustices. Reforms may provide temporary relief, but they often do not fundamentally alter the structures that allow oppression to persist.

While reform may seem more palatable to some because it appears less disruptive and risky, Borker Thought argues that it ultimately falls short in achieving true systemic change. Revolution may be a more difficult and arduous path, but it has the potential to create a society that is truly just and equitable for all. For this reason, Borker Thought ultimately favors revolution over reform as the means reaching it's goals for society.

How the Revolution would look

Since Borker Thought advocates for a decentralized society, the revolution would begin with the establishment of local councils that would work to coordinate efforts towards overthrowing the current power structures. These councils would be made up of individuals from different sectors of society, including workers, farmers, students, etc., who would come together to develop strategies for achieving their goals.

The revolution would begin with a period of mass mobilization, including strikes, riots, and other forms of direct action. The goal of this initial stage would be to disrupt the functioning of the capitalist economy and demonstrate the power of the working class. As the revolution progressed, workers and other groups would begin to seize control of factories, farms, and other means of production. This would involve the establishment of workers' councils and other forms of democratic decision-making to ensure that the new system was truly controlled by the people. Throughout the revolution, the working class would need to remain vigilant against attempts by the ruling class to regain control. This might involve sabotage, violence, or other forms of resistance, and would require a high level of organization and discipline on the part of the revolutionaries.

In Borker Thought, the People's Courts are envisioned as a means of bringing capitalists to justice for their crimes against the people. These courts would be established as part of the revolutionary process, and would be designed to operate outside the existing legal system, which is seen as corrupt and controlled by the capitalist class. The People's Courts would be ran directly by the people, rather than chosen from the existing legal establishment, with each person having the same vote to issue a verdict. The trials held in the People's Courts would be conducted in a way that is transparent and accessible to everyone. The accused capitalists would have the right to a fair trial, with the opportunity to present evidence and call witnesses in their defense. However, the people would also have the right to hold the capitalists accountable for their crimes, and the judges and juries would be instructed to take into account the harm done to society by their actions. The punishments handed down by the People's Courts would be designed to serve the interests of the people, rather than those of the capitalist class. These would include exile or execution in extreme cases, with confiscation of assets being inherent.

Another part of the revolution would be the militias. The goal of the militia force would be to defend the revolution and the people against any potential threats from counter-revolutionary forces, including state militaries and private security forces employed by capitalist interests. To achieve this, the militia force would be armed and trained to defend themselves and the community, but not to engage in offensive military action. The formation of the militia force would begin with community organizing and the development of local defense committees. These committees would be responsible for training members in self-defense, as well as establishing communication networks and coordinating with neighboring communities. As the revolution progresses, these local defense committees would merge into larger regional defense forces, with decisions made through democratic processes and consensus-building. To maintain accountability and prevent the development of hierarchies, the militia force would be subject to regular review and oversight by the community. This would include open meetings where decisions are made democratically, as well as the rotation of leadership positions to prevent the accumulation of power in any one individual.


Have Read

  • File:Kropotkin beard.png - The Conquest of Bread
  • - Kurdistan, Woman's Revolution and Democratic Confederalism
  • - God and the State
  • File:Kropotkin beard.png - Mutual Aid
  • - Statism and Anarchy
  • - Atlas Shrugged
  • - The Communist Manifesto
  • - The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte
  • - The German Ideology
  • - The National Anarchist Manifesto
  • - Anarchy
  • - Leninism Or Marxism

Plan to Read

  • - A Radical Critic of the Russian Intelligentsia and Socialism
  • - State Socialism
  • - The Socialist Religion and Worker Struggle


  • Feel free to add whatever book you'd like me to read here!

The Reaction in Germany - Makhail Bakunin (By LordCompost (RIP) )
Marxism and the Problem of Power and Anarchism in From Bakunin to Lacan: Anti-Authoritarianism and the Dislocation of Power - Saul Newman (By LordCompost (RIP) )
Anarchism, Marxism and the Bonapartist State - Saul Newman (By LordCompost (RIP) )
Germany Tomorrow - Otto Strasser (By JonahF2014)
The Road to Serfdom - Friedrich Hayek (By Template:Im not Dead nor Drunk)
Origins of the Family, State, and Private Property by Carl Mark (By Lsag)
Fundamental Principles of Communist Production and Distribution by the GIK (By Lsag)
Socialism and Anarchism by Antonie Pannekoek (By Lsag)
Trade Unionism by Antonie Pannekoek (By Lsag}
Workers' Councils (1947) by Antonie Pannekoek (By Lsag}
The Democratic Principle by Haji Ahmad Bordiga (By Lsag}
Kapital by Karl Marx (By Soymund)
Reflections on Violence - Georges Sorel (by JefBol)
Socialism vs Anarchism - Daniel de Leon (by JefBol)
What Is To Be Done? - Vladimir Lenin (by Jefbol) (necessary for you becoming a TRUE anarcho-vanguardist)
Leviathan - Thomas Hobbes (by BERNHE0504)

  • Borker I've already read Leviathan actually, everyone recommends it to anarchists, like with Road to Serfdom

Finished Suggestions

The Communist Manifesto - Karl Marx and Friedrich Engles (By O'Langism)

User Tests

Pick only one from each category :3

  • Civic Axis
    • Chaoist (-10)
    • Anarchist (+25)
    • Minarchist (+10)
    • Libertarian (+5)
    • Civically Moderate (+0)
    • Statist (-5)
    • Dictablanda (-10)
    • Authoritarian (-25)
    • Totalitarian (-50)
    • Orwellian (-100)
  • Type of Rule Axis
    • (Anarchist) Anti-Democracy (-10)
    • Direct Democracy (+25)
    • Semi-Direct Democracy (+10)
    • Representative Democracy (+5)
    • Authoritarian Democracy (-5)
    • Totalitarian Democracy (-25)
    • (Authoritarian) Anti-Democracy (-50)
  • If none above apply...
    • Organic Centralism (+3)
    • Kultokratic System (+5)
  • Economic Axis
    • Marxist Communist (+1)
    • Socialist (+5)
    • Welfarist/Gift Economy (+10)
    • Mixed (-5)
    • Liberal Economics (-10)
    • Capitalist (-50)
    • Darwinist (-100)
  • If none above apply...
    • Third Positionism (-5)
    • Anti-Economy (+5)
    • Non-Marxist Communist (+25)
    • Fiscal Federalism (+5)
  • Economic Freedom
    • Anti-Economy (+5)
    • Dirigisme (-15)
    • Regulationism (-10)
    • Mixed (-10)
    • Liberal Economics (-15)
    • Free Market (-25)
    • Laissez-Faire (-50)
  • If none above apply...
    • Central Planned (-25)
    • Decentral Planned (+25)
  • Diplomatic Axis
    • Autarchy (-25)
    • Autarky (+25)
    • (Alter-) Globalist (+5)
    • World Federalist (-10)
    • Cosmopolitan (-5)
    • Internationalist (-5)
    • Moderate (+0)
    • Patriotic (+3)
    • Nationalist (+25)
    • Chauvinist (+5)
    • Racial Nationalist (or similar broad category) (-5)
    • Ethno-Nationalist (or similar narrow category) (+15)
  • Geopolitics
    • Western (-100)
    • Western Adjacent (-10)
    • Non-Aligned (+15)
    • East Adjacent (-10)
    • Eastern (-15)
  • If none above apply...
    • Anarchistic Unaligned (+25)
  • Cultural Axis
    • Revolutionary (-25)
    • Progressive (+0)
    • Reformist (+5)
    • Syncretic (+25)
    • Conservative (+10)
    • Traditionalist (+0)
    • Reactionary (-5)
  • Technological Axis
    • Primal (+0)
    • Primitivist (+3)
    • Pre-Industrial (+10)
    • Deceleration (+25)
    • Moderate (+10)
    • Acceleration (-25)
    • Automated (-10)
    • Transhumanist (-50)
    • Posthumanist (-100)
  • If none of the above apply...
    • Post-Civ (+0) [and/or] Archeofuturism (+3)
  • Environmental Axis
    • Human Extinction (-100)
    • Radical Environmentalism (+25)
    • Eco-Fascism (-10)
    • Ecocentrism (+15)
    • Environmentalist (+10)
    • Moderate (-5)
    • Post-Industrialism (+0)
    • Industrialist (-25)
    • Anthropocentric (-25)
    • Anti-Environmentalism (-100)
  • Neurological Axis
    • Anti-Praxis (0)
    • Utopian (+50)
    • Dogmatic (-10)
    • Idealist (+30)
    • In Between (+5)
    • Realist (+10)
    • Pragmatic (+5)
    • Rational (0)
    • Dystopian (-25)
    • Anti-Theory (-5)
  • War Axis
    • Pacifism (+25)
    • Non-engagement (+25)
    • De-escalation (+0)
    • Intervention (-25)
    • Irredentism (+0)
    • Revachism (-25)
    • Jingoism (-50)
  • If none above apply...
    • Class Warfare (+3)
  • Praxis
    • Insurrectionism (+5)
    • Revolutionism (+20)
    • Moderatism (+0)
    • Reformism (-5)
    • Stagnationism (-10)
  • Ethnic Axis Optional
    • Chinese (-5)
    • Indian (-5)
    • Other Asian (+0)
    • Other Southeast Asian(+5)
    • Western European (+5)
    • Northen European (+25)
    • Celtic (+10)
    • Eastern European (+10)
    • Southern European (+5)
    • American (-5)
    • South American (+5)
    • African (-5)
    • Arabian (-5)
    • Jewish (-50)
    • Indonesian (+10)
    • Korean (+10)
  • Religious Axis Optional
    • Original Paganism (+25)
    • Zoroastrianism (+10)
    • Buddhism (0)
    • Hinduism (-5)
    • Orthodoxy (+3)
    • File:PCB-Catheo.png Catholicism (+0)
    • Islam (-5)
    • Judaism (-20)
    • Protestantism (-5)
    • Neo-Paganism (+10)
    • Wicca (-50)
    • Irreligion (+0)
    • Satanism (either atheistic or theistic) (+0)
    • Shinto (+5)
    • Syncretic (-15)

Post your results here:

How to Draw

Flag of Borker Thought
  1. Draw a ball with a white outline
  2. Fill it with black (PCB dark gray)
  3. Divide the ball in half diagonally, from bottom left to top right
  4. Fill the upper half with Red, and the lower half with grey
  5. Draw a gear in Borkerist Gold™® as pictured on the black half of the ball
  6. Add eyes and it's complete


Color Name HEX RGB
Black #000000 0, 0, 0
Borkerist Gold™® #FF9600 255, 150, 0
Red #F80000 248, 0, 0
White #FFFFFF 255, 255, 255
Dark Grey #1C1C1C 28, 28, 28


If I added you here, please check the talk page again as I most likely have asked you to add me

Mega Based

  • Kropotkin-Gene Synthesis - My homie LibSoc, we agree like 70-80% of the time, and you're also the one who made the OG Ball for Borker Thought.
  • O'Langism Incredibly Based, like holy shit. Literally the only thing I dislike about your ideology is the internationalism and the anti-nationalism, the latter being understandable, considering how Modern Nationalism has been twisted
  • Conorism Wtf Based Egoist!?!?!?!?!
  • Soymvndism Pretty fail ideology, but funny + stole my code so gem
  • Jefbol Thought I have read over your page in full like I said I would after it gets more developed, and I can very well say this is the best Marxist ideology I know, even if it's too statist for my taste, but I can get over that. In your section "The State and Socialist Transformation", at the end you talk about anarchists, and I have to disagree, of course. The weapon of violence can be used in anarchist movement, and the same power exercised as the dictatorship of the proletariat, to protect the revolution from outside influence, though I will say with the rest of this section, you have more knowledge than me in Marxian terms, and definitely on Sorel. I will say with your next section "A Marxist Analysis of the Reform-Revolution Debate", I completely agree with that, Social Democrats and Democratic Socialists are one in the same to me, cowardly opportunists whom hijack the word socialist for their own gain, and the small gains achieved under their terms are nothing but shallow "gifts" that can be revoked at any time. I will also say that situationism is really cool and I need to read more about it, please do tell me what works would be good :3. This gets like 9/10, I'd say


  • National Wodenism Based Germanic pagan, my only gripe with your ideology is that you lean more individualistic than me, if you were to go more collectivist, you’d pretty much be authoritarian me. Incredibly based ideology, 7.5/10
  • Barrettism My biggest homie, you're pretty much the more moderate version of me :3
  • SwordComradism Literally me
  • Yoda8soup Thought Extremely based with the socialism, unionism, and progressivism, though the statism and reformism stops you from entering Mega Based
  • File:Mikolayism Pixel Modern.png Mikolayism (Modern) Very Zased personally, and fellow Machajski Enjoyer , though I find it hard to pin down your actual beliefs.
  • File:Nay-Fur.png Nayism Anti-centrism is based and trad, and so are furrys. As your ideology doesn't have much currently, I can't quite rate it that accurately, but you seem based either way :3.
  • File:NNGM.png New North German Model - After fully reading your page a couple of times, I think I can say that your ideology is pretty based, though there are minor disagreements, with the only big ones being you're part Swedish the statism and anti-anarchism, the former being not so bad as your ideology doesn't seem overly statist (like surveillance state tier or anything like that), and the anti-anarchism I don't mind much since most people have the same wrong view of anarchism imprinted on them, so it's kinda understandable, and I think my explaining anarchism has kinda eroded some of that. If I was a statist, my ideology would probably be near exactly like yours.
  • File:Aperson.png Aperson14 Thought Extremely similiar to me in nearly every regard ideologically, though a tadbit statist, though that's not too bad, and you're irreligious which is fine I guess, and really if I were a statist, my ideology would be quite similar to yours, as when it comes to statism I agree with your model of a federalist (semi) direct democractic republic, though you are individualist and post-left, which stops you from entering the tier above. Overall 8/10
  • Kimnostic Socialism Probably one of the best Marxists I know, there isn't much of your ideology I disagree with other than the DotP, though as your describe it, it seems rather decentralized, as usually my problem with the DotP model of socialism is that concentrated power will not fade away into communism, though decentralized models seem to have a better chance at fading away. Currently your page is rather undeveloped though, so I'll probably write a bigger review once it's expanded more :3. Overall 8/10
  • File:Postaccicon.png Post-Acceleration Thought Not that shabby for a post anarchist, usually you guys are rather big ideology shoppers. My problems with your ideology is the usual gripe I have with modern anarchists, that being not to big a bridge to gap, you being much more individualistic and progressive than I am, though I don't mind the latter all that much. Page is rather empty for me to fully judge right now, but for now, 7.5/10.
  • Hydra'ism You're a rather nice guy to talk too, and that's why you're up this high, but your ideology is not one I'm prone to agree with that often, though we do agree on collectivism, agrarianism, and socialism. Sadly though you support markets over planning, and private over personal property, which is rather cringe, and you're much more of a supremacist than me, as you're a racial white nationalist, and I'm just an ethnic nationalist, and I believe our definition of nationalism might differ as well. Overall 6/10, just drop the market stuff and you'd be much more based.
  • File:MessardismIcon.png Michael Messard Thought While I don't know a lot of your views, you seem pretty based so far. I don't really have any problem with your ideology as of yet, as you've told me outside of PCBA that you prefer a communistic and very communal system instead of the mutualist economy most national anarchists prefer. Being a Neo-Luddite is also incredibly based, even though I am not one myself, and you're a nationalist too. Though other than that, your views seem pretty alright to based, and seemingly not a wignat either, which is good. around a 7/10, I'll write a much bigger review once your page is more filled out.


  • Red Tsarism Overall a rather good ideology, the only things I don't like is the exclusion of the LGBT people (though I don't too much mind that honestly), and the statism. Everything else is pretty good, and monarchism can be kinda epic in some cases. And I especially like your acceptance of pagans, despite being a Christian, that is good. solid 7/10 overall, only thing bad is the statism, really.
  • CarrotsRppl2ism - A fellow Ideology Polls founding member, his views though aren't that clear, and anarcho-individualism makes no sense to me.
  • Bourgeoisie destroyerism Your econ views seem pretty based, and you're a chad Primitivist and Anarchist, though you are too culturally traditional.
  • Atronism BASED TANKIE!?!?!?!? AnCom-ML synthesis is far too wacky for my tastes though
  • Aldathism Pretty based for a "Neo-Nazi" (though from your page it seems you're not quite a nazi), with the pro-lgbtq+ stuff and the agrarian socialism part, and also a fellow pagan
  • National Fracturism Incredibly based for an authoritarian, I love the environmentalism and isolationism, as well as the economics. Though the authoritarianism stops you from entering the above tier. Also based Tinist
  • Neo-Kiraism I love most of you ideology, except for the authoritarianism, though the decentralized part is a bit based. Your view on reformism is also very similar to mine, though I can't like the Lenin love, considering what he did to Makhno and aesthetically I love vanguard parties
  • HelloThere314ism Pretty based for an egoist, and your page was a fun read through, though very long. You seem very well read, although I do not like the individualism that comes with egoism.
  • Neo-AshleyHereism Page is rather empty currently, though from what I can tell you're pretty based, a fellow democratic confederalist, though sadly rejects the label of anarchist.
  • Floofel's Thought Much like the person above, your page is rather short, though it seems based, and I also don't get why you would hate the label of anarchist.
  • File:Wisconsin Socialism.png Wisconsinite Socialism Page is a bit empty currently, but from what I can tell, you're pretty based, even if you do lean statist.
  • Iberian Communism Some of you ideology is rather based, as I love economic planning and the idea of socialism in one country, along with socialist patriotism, though it the ultra-progressivism isn’t the best, along with the authoritarian tendencies that come with your Stalinist elements, which along with that, I assume you deny many of Stalin’s crimes. Definitely one of the better AuthLeft ideologies, but still not that great. 6/10
  • 2x2Masterism Your ideology is mostly all stuff I disagree with, the biggest being the statism, liberalism, and Zionism, though the relative progressiveness (sorta), and libertarianism (sorta) are good, though restricting gun rights is unbelievably cringe. Personally you are pretty cool though.
  • Altemism Very based for a statist, like surprisingly so. While there are things I don't like about your ideology, like statism and reactionaryism, I don't believe this is too big of a deal, especially for the latter. You're also a fellow Anti-Marxist Socialist and Scandinavian though sadly you are Swedish . Based ideology, about 7/10
  • Nonexistism Really mixed bag, I like your focus on a bottom-up model, and guild socialism is pretty based, even if Tripartism isn't my favorite. Your worst element is your authoritarianism, and all that comes with that, though that really is my main problem with your ideology. I would rate this page like 6/10
  • Bsaheed Thought Alright for a left communist, definitely more on the tolerable side. I quite like council communism, and overall decentralized socialism, though of course I am at odds with the anti-nationalism and globalism inherent in Marxist thought. But unlike other Marxists, you seem to realize that a centralized powerful state won't wither away, which is good, and your interpretation of dictatorship of the proletariat is rather good as well. Probably my favorite Marxist self insert, I'd give this like an 6.5/10 or a 7 idk
  • File:Neorock.png Neo-Rocksism From what I can tell from your page, you're rather alright. Anarcho-Communism is of course something I agree with, being a social anarchist myself, though the only thing I really see a problem with in your ideology is individualism, something I am not a big fan of, being a pretty extreme collectivist myself, but that remains the just about the only gripe I have with your ideology, other than that I suspect you're a globalist and multiculturalist, which is of course something I am against as a nationalist. I plan on writing a more full critique if/once your page is filled out more. Overall 6.5-7/10.
  • Amism We hold relatively similar views, though your love of racial nationalism, and hatred of communism is not something I too much like, as I don't believe race exists, and communism is a great way to build communitarian cultures, and agrarianism is based . However, as you aren't a capitalist I don't judge you too much on that front, and we are both pagan revivalists and nationalists, which is very based of you. My only other problem other than the previously stated ones is your techhological views, which are too extreme for my taste, but meh, many of my good friends are also neo-luddites and primitivists, so I don't judge that much, and honestly your social views aren't that bad all things considered. Overall kinda based, 7/10
  • Serbian Socialism Not very much written for a full review, but from what I can tell you're rather alright, my only gripe lying in your statism and love of markets, and to a lesser effect your Christian beliefs, though it is good you are opposed to Stalinism, and Dengists too, despite your market beliefs, though I don't agree with some of your assessment of Stalin, he was not a fascist. Overall 6/10
  • File:Bakbax1.png Baixian Federalism Rather alright ideology, it is good you are a reactionary and a communist, although the depth of your reactionarism I do not know, but regardless the central planning love and Dengism is rather despicable, I've made my distaste for central planning rather well known. My other gripes with your ideology is of course the authoritarianism, as a strong state only works to suppress the worker's movement, and you being culturally very far right, though that's negatable, for I know you are at least a feminist and supporter of the gays. overall pretty alright ideology, 6.5/10
  • File:RevolEcBall.png Revolutionary Eclecticism Relatively alright, the only problems I tend to have is on issues of culture and nation, and to a lesser degree philosophical views. You seem to from what I can gather oppose nationalism, which is a rather weird position for an Indigenist, as to regain their old cultures they would need nationalism and cultural rejuvenation. And much like another user (rest is piece), I do not know why you oppose calling yourself an anarchist, when you quite openly put Anarcho-Communism in your influences. It is quite good you oppose anti-theism though, which I feared you might border on, as many other ultraprogs do. Overall pretty good, one of the better anarchists on this site, 6.5/10


  • Glencoeism Left Wing Nationalism, Steiner-Vallentyne School, and Social Georgism are pretty based, especially in contrast to the sea of liberalism. Overall 5/10
  • Edelism You're pretty fun to debate with, and we are both socialist, though you are too statist and liberal. Also you defend NATO, so cringe.
  • Fungaliberalism Pleasant guy to talk to and to debate, though like Edelism you're both a liberal and a statist ideologically.
  • Cheese Communism While I don't like tankies too much, you seem sorta alright, though my stance towards all tankies is left unity without them. Time and time again the tankies have betrayed us during revolution, and the next time it won’t happen. Your ideology is kinda alright, except for the ultra progressivism, and you actually got me interested in reading Mao Zedong, which I've been liking so far, especially the idea of people's war which is a big part of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, which I've also grown to respect since meeting you :3
  • Pantheonism Your economics are pretty based actually, though your civics are pretty cringe, statism is obviously one i would disagree with, and world federalism is an impossible concept. Though there are aspects of your ideology which are better, like the environmentalism, and the kinda socialism. Overall like 5/10, and Market Socialists will never be real Socialists
  • File:Coffeethoughtball.png Coffee Thought Page is too empty to accurately place you so far, though from what I can tell you're alright for a Marxoid. Will write more once it's more fleshed out, same as Jefbol Thought
  • Neo-humanism As a classical liberal and a globalist, I figured there's not much we would agree with, and through reading your page, yeah. Liberal democracy is pretty bad, the capitalist economic system that underpins liberal democracy creates vast inequalities in wealth and power, and it can never really represent the interests of the working class. Your views of immigration also are not that good. We do agree on some things though, like libertarianism and healthcare, and some of your sections don't seem that bad for a liberal, like the ones on unions, healthcare, and your beliefs on Anti Monopoly laws, though this is all kinda small compared to your free market capitalism, which is something I really can't agree with.
  • Erissianism Lifestylist, though I am bound by traditional beret bro code to but that aside for now. Interesting ideology, I've always found post-leftism meh-decent depending on the postie, though that and your support for the LGBT appear to be the only places where we'll find common ground, other than traditional anarchist opinions on capitalism etc etc. You are an anti-environmentalist, transhumanist, market lover, and ultraprogressive, which are frankly the antithesis to my ideology, as well as your moral-less standards when it comes to hedonism. And frankly, going back to the first part of the previous list, your anti-environmentalism has gotta be one of the most evil things I've read on this ideology in a while, like oof. Frankly, just rather schizo and typical lifestylism, 4/10
  • File:BCSneedico.png BetterCallSneedism Rather mixed bag, the statism and racial nationalism are not something I like, but most everything else ranges from meh to very based, and you're a cool guy personally. The neoluddism is also rather interesting, though I don't know many statist NeoLudds, and most of the other wignat ones tend to be anarchists as well. Overall like a 5.5/10
  • File:AnKaut Pixels.png Proto-Borker Thought While you are my father, I disagree with nearly everything you espoused back then, you were pretty much just a social democrat is disguise. Though I do have to respect my forebears...
  • File:KayloBall.png Kaylo Liberalism A good bit too moderate for my tastes, and not quite left wing either, a lot of my issues with your ideology lie in your liberalism. Unlike other liberal ideologies though, you aren't really evil, just a status-quo moderate, though at the very least you do oppose Neoliberalism, at least in word, and I do agree on organized religion being bad. Sadly though, most of the good parts of blotted out by your individualism and anationalism. Overall pretty middling, 4/10

Somewhat Cringe

  • Southern Integralism Such a mixed bag honestly, you have incredibly based beliefs (Workplace Democracy, Distributism, Collectivism, and Cultural Nationalism) mixed in with the most cringe shit ever (Titoism, Catholic Theocracy, and Authoritarian Democracy) which is what places you here. I also find it hilarious that you call things "Bourgeois" despite espousing a nearly entirely bourgeois ideology.
  • Zhahravaughanism (Literal) Schizo Philosophy Theoryhead, generally a pretty cringe ideology, though being an anarchist saves you from the tiers below.
  • Aurelianism Probably one of the better right libertarians, we both love free speech and gun rights, though you are very anti-socialist (btw that suggestions thing was pretty funny :3). There are a lot of elements of you ideology that I really don't like, such as technocracy and anti-democracy, both being utterly cringe. overall 4/10, but could be worse for a right libertarian
  • Yves-Nicholas Thought Somewhat similar to me culturally, though not racist, and very different civically and otherwise. Technocracy is not something I agree with, nor of course totalitarianism, though your Christian and Market Socialist elements are very good, and your social corporatist lean is alright. Industrialism on the other hand is not great, as I'm a ruralist and agrarian. Though going back to your totalitarianism, you've explained that Brazil has only prospered under Authoritarian regimes, and while I don't like it, I understand why you believe in it. All around probably one of the better statists, 4.5/10
  • Comrade Phil Thought Though I know for a fact you're an alt of Confederate Crusader, I'll still rank you here. Sadly for an anti-capitalist and an economic leftist, you are nearly entirely cringe, you are totalitarian and reactionary, and larp as a communist, though under your system the state will never fade away. You also barely are socialist, you put National Socialism into your influences, and fascism too. Overall 3/10, if you were to drop the fascism that'd be based.
  • Neo-Murba Just about your average left-communist, except more of the Dutch variety it seems. Sadly still a L*ninist 🤮, although national communism is based to a degree it's one of the very few good things about this ideology, with the rest being awful-mid. Overall 3.5/10 ideology, drop the statism and reddit atheism, and that'd fix most of your issues.
  • Existentialist Geomarket Anarchism As you are an anarchist, and a supporter of mildly social policies, you aren't put in the tiers below, despite me disagreeing with most of your ideology. Individualism is lifestylism, something I'm really not fond of, though that pales in comparison to your other takes, especially in terms of religion and nationalism. Despite all the other differences though, we do have some shared opinions in terms of LGBT issues and feminism, and the usual drug and gun takes that most all anarchists share in common, despite the collectivist vs individualist lean. Though all your goods takes are usually equally balanced by your more awful ones, like being a world federalist for some reason, a completely out there and wacky concept. In all, very much a typical AnLib, nothing much more, other than being a strict Reddit Atheist, 3.5/10
  • File:YanNilBall.png Yani Nihilism Very standard lifestylism, not much else, though the pacifism is alright, your other beliefs are rather vile, such as the opposition to religion and collectivism, and your overall too liberal for my liking, but being an anarchist and and at least not a capitalist saves you from the tiers below. 3/10


  • Nastyism - You're pretty cool as a person, and fun in VC, but your ideology is literally fascist and quite cringe (I mean ofc an anarchist isn't gonna find much positive in a fascist), although I will say the environmentalism is cool and so is the nationalism, which saves you from Mega-Cringe
  • BERNHEism American Quark, but somehow even more evil, most everything on your page is awful, and the worst part is how confident you are in your awfulness, and the "MuH bAsIc EcOnOmIcS". I seriously can't find a single good thing on your page. I could pick out individual parts I don't like or disagree with, but it'd literally just be listing the entire page. The only thing that saves you from below is that you aren't *as* bad as some below ideologies in your awfulness.
  • Neo-Glencoeism You somehow became even whose than before, and you are an America civic nationalist (evil). As Person16384 said, you pretty much are just (left) BERNHEism, though barely more left than him. You are evil interventionaist as well, the worst kind of American Nationalist, wanting to liberalize the world and enslave them to capital. Overall coal fail ideology, not much to say, 2/10
  • Duck Citizen I am usually bound by anarkiddy unity values to not be too mean to you, but come on man. You are pretty much the final state of lifesylism, individualist to an awful degree. And yes, I wouldn't want to fight a revolution with you on my side, as you are a lifestylist with nothing to give for the movement other than philosophical rambling. Really, you are the typical sadarchist, doing nothing nor wanting to do anything to change our current shit society, and for some moronic reason you believe the economic planning on Anarcho-Communism leads to dictatorship, a take so rancid I could believe it came outta Bonerforce. Truly evil ideology, 2/10

Mega Cringe

  • Confederate Crusadism You come off as an edgy 13yo who spent too much time on PCB, and your ideology isn't that clear outside of IdPol, like in the economics section it only talks about how left-wing economics make no sense to you, instead of listing your actual beliefs. The edit war bullshit is also frankly retarded.
  • Ego-Progressivism Not a fan of egoists and individualists, as egoism is evil individualist trash. You ask where am I in the collective? I’m just that, in the collective, a part of the greater good. The most noble thing a man can do is serve a cause greater than himself. I gotta be honest, your page is the same egoist shit I see everywhere, 30 pages long and philosophical rambling. Individualism and anarchism don’t fit together, simply, the individual does not have power; the collective has power. And after seeing Atronic’s entry on that list, it just makes it worse, you call this ultraprogressive a reactionary, because they’d wish to protect the revolution? 0/10 page, Gods I can’t stand egoists.
  • File:Matthism-ball.png Matthism Since you are pretty much Quark but German, this entry pretty much applies to him to. You are the culmination of every shit ideology ever man, the bourgeois individualism is truly vile, and the Christianity bakes on the cringe, and just like Quark you’re a philosophical theoryhead. Truly just Quark with Christian Flavorings
  • Aryan Monarchishm Overall really vile ideology, though the nationalism and paganism are the good, although the nationalism is pan-nationalistic, which is evil. Progressivism is also kinda nice, but that doesn't cancel out all the authoritarianism, capitalism, and liberalism, and the fact that you support literal chattel slavery for fucks sake, and also the really reddit stuff in the religion section. 1/10
  • MugiKotobuki8814ism You are the very anti-thesis on my ideology, a betrayer of every decent value known to man. You claim to national socialist, yet you are so far from it, 'tis just a larp. Your ideology isn't even so much an ideology as it is a power fantasy, I mean come on man, you literally have a section where you go over how the Caudillo would get a harem of underage anime girls, purely disgusting and degenerate. Truly the worst ideology I know of. -100/10
  • Chipscreamism Listen, I like you personally kinda, but ideologically you're shit. Utter trash. Worst ideology I've seen as of yet. Protestant theocrat and fascist, I personally have not seen you utter any coherent and consistent political ideology other than "Muh Sandgod" or "MURDER". You also ideology shop and larp too much, man. Somedays you're a Pol Potist (though albeit only for the reason of hating intellectuals, for some reason I've yet to gather) or you're a Jew-hating Black Israelite fan talking about Hyperborea and stuff like that. And besides all this, you're rather rude, mate.
  • Hitler Rouge Yet another Confederate Crusader alt, what more can I say?
  • File:SuperMarketcap.png Super-Market-Capitalism Just about the antithesis to my ideology entirely, you represent the nearly everything I don't like politically, anti-nationalist, capitalist, globalist, ultra-progressive, anti-theist, anti-democracy, etc etc, the list goes on. I can't find about a single good thing in this ideology, other than your anarchism, but this ruined by the fact you are an anarcho-capitalist, which I've made more than clear I don't believe are real, authentic anarchists, as capitalism is a hierarchy, going against the anti-hierarchal roots of classical anarchism. Truly awful, 1/10

Mega Based

  • Ismism Literally me
  • Jacobinism Truly, the only cure for the bourgeoise is a guillotine
  • Friends


    • Mao-Spontex One of the (very few) brands of Marxism I actually like, you're incredibly interesting and I love the ball design
    • Classical Social Democracy The real Social Democrats, not the right deviationist traitors
    • Bookchin Communalism I love the environmentalism and anarchism, and lifestylist gotta be my favorite insult towards individualists.
    • Libertarian Marxism Har Har oxymoron Pretty cool for a Marxoid


    Somewhat Cringe


    • Anarcho-Capitalism Not entirely cringe, but AnCaps in general have diluted Anarchism into just meaning "No State", instead of "No Hierarchies"
    • Marxism-Leninism Well, I'm sure *some* of the things the west says about you are false, but the majority is true and reprehensible though you had really cool aesthetics

    Mega Cringe

    • Capitalism The Great Satan, you coin our very life blood into gold‎
    • National Socialism You have literally nothing to do with socialism, yet you still pollute the name of it
    • Objectivism 20 hours of reading I could've spent actually reading something good
    • Social Democracy Wer hat uns verraten? Sozialdemokraten!


    The State
  • Anti-Totalitarianism
    • Anti-Fascism (kinda sorta)
  • Nationalism

    • Anti-Anationalism
    • Anti-Multiculturalism
    • Anti-Imperialism
    • Anti-Colonialism
      • Anti-Zionism (extreme)
    • Anti-Swede (Jokingly)


    • Anti-Capitalism


    • Anti-Abrahamism
    • Anti-SJW
    • Anti-Liberalism
    • Anti-Marxism


    • Anti-Militarism
    • Anti-Transhumanism


    Feel free to ask me about my placements here


    • EZLN (Mexico, 1983-)
    • PKK (Türkiye, 1978-)
    • MST (Brazil, 1984-)
    • Revolutionary Catalonia (1936-1939)
    • Kronstadt Rebellion (1921-1921)
    • Korean People's Association in Manchuria (1929-1931)
    • Paris Commune (France, 1871)
    • Spartacus League (Germany, 1914-1919)
    • Revolutionary Insurgent Army of Ukraine (Ukraine, 1918-1921)
    • French Revolution (France, 1789 –1799)
    • Norwegian Communist Party (Norway, 1923-)
    • People's Movement for the Liberation of Angola (Angola, 1956-)
    • Irish Republican Army (Ireland, 1919-1922)
    • Provisional Irish Republican Army (Ireland, 1969-1997)


    • Bolsheviks (1917-1922)

    Atrocious Knaves

    • Democratic Socialists of America (United States, 1982-)



    If you would like to be added to relations, add a comment here :3


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